Antique Silver

Here at Steppes Hill Farm Antiques we specialise in some of the highest quality antique silver collectables in the UK. Our focus is on the smaller, more collectable antique English silver pieces, which reflect the grandeur of larger silver items without the extravagant prices; examples include napkin rings, boxes, bookmarks, caddy spoons, card cases, vinaigrettes, vesta cases, writing equipment, pincushions and wine labels. We also have a range of high-quality Scottish and Irish silver collectables for sale. Our products originate from a number of historical time periods, from the Georgian and Victorian eras onwards into the early twentieth century. Our antique silver collectables make excellent gifts or additions to an existing antiques collection. We try to sell only the best of quality and consider condition of paramount importance, and with over fifty years’ experience in the antiques business, we are glad to offer our advice on the purchasing and collecting of any of our items. Please feel free to contact us here at the farm or via the web site.

121 - 180 of 213 items
Most Recent
John Langlands, Newcastle 1774
S Blanckensee & Son Ltd, Birmingham 1914
John William Barrett, Chester 1920
N. U, London c1750
John Kentesber & Thomas Grove, London c1757
Thomas Johnson, London 1881
John William Barrett, Birmingham 1926
Samuel Whitford, London c1765
Gourdel Vales, & Co, Birmingham 1903
William Thorneycroft, Birmingham 1901
William Neale & Son, Birmingham 1887
John Wren II, London c1777
Saunders & Shepherd, Birmingham 1890
Crisford & Norris, Birmingham 1905
Nathaniel Mills, Birmingham 1847
Deakin & Francis, Birmingham 1895
H J Lias & J Wakely, London 1880
Sampson Mordan, Chester 1904
Crouch & Hannam, London 1781
Nathaniel Mills, Birmingham 1845
Henry William Dee, London 1872
Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd 1905
Liberty & Co, Birmingham c1900
William Pugh, Birmingham 1809
Joseph Taylor, Birmingham 1817
Joseph Taylor, Birmingham 1812
The Thomae Company, Massachusetts c1932
Josiah Snatt, Birmingham 1804
Taylor & Perry, Birmingham 1832
A J Zimmermann, Birmingham 1906
Joseph Taylor, Birmingham 1805
Richard Jenkins, Exeter c1800
G L Connell Ltd, London 1913
Hilliard & Thomason, Birmingham 1833
Josiah Snatt, London 1809
Alfred Fuller, London 1886
W & G Neal, London 1902
Josiah Snatt, London 1801
Barber & North, York 1847
NATHANIEL MILLS, Birmingham 1843
William Pugh, Birmingham 1811
William Oliver, Birmingham 1887
JOSIAH SNATT, London 1805
David Andersen, Norway 1930
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